Getting Started

Creating your Workspace

Create your Account

If you haven't done already, sign up for Scoby Analytics using your E-Mail address or Google Account. We will send you an E-Mail with a login link.

Scoby Analytics Login Screen
A screenshot showing the Scoby Analytics Login Screen

Create your Workspace

After login, you will be automatically redirected to our fully functional Demo Workspace. If not, select the Demo Workspace from the Dropdown.

Click the "Create Workspace" button in the upper right corner.

Scoby Analytics Login Screen
A screenshot showing the location of the Add Workspace button

In the popup, enter your Workspace's name. This is the name that will appear in the dropdown. You can change it at any time after setup. Click the "Continue" button when you're done.

Scoby Analytics Login Screen
A screenshot showing the Create Workspace Dialog

In the next step you will start integrating Scoby Analytics into your Website.

Quick Start