No-code Integrations

Installing Scoby Analytics on WordPress

Follow this simple guide to integrate Scoby Analytics with your WordPress site using our dedicated plugin.

Install the Plugin in WordPress

  • Open a new browser tab and log into your WordPress Admin.

  • Navigate to Plugins and click the "Add new" button.

    How to find the Add New Button
    A screenshot showing the position of the Add New button in WordPress
  • In the Plugin section, search for "scoby" in the upper right corner, then click "Install now" and then "Activate" in the Scoby Analytics Plugin tile.

    How to search and install the WordPress plugin
    A screenshot showing the position of the search field and Install now button in WordPress
  • After activating the plugin, navigate to its settings by clicking on one of the highlighted links.

    Go to the Plugin's Settings
    A screenshot showing how to enter the Settings of the Plugin in WordPress

Note: If you are new to Scoby Analytics contiue with the Setup Assistant, if you already have a License Key continue with "Manually Add your License Key to the Plugin"

  • Start the Setup Assistant by clicking the highlighted button.

    Start the Setup Assistant
    A screenshot showing how to start the Setup Assistant
  • We will send a Setup Code to the Admin's E-Mail that needs to be entered in the next setp for verification. Copy or remember the Setup Code.

    Start the Setup Assistant
    A screenshot showing how to start the Setup Assistant
  • Enter the Setup Code from the previous step and click "OK".

    Go to the Plugin's Settings
    A screenshot showing how to enter the Settings of the Plugin in WordPress
  • You're all set. Scoby Analytics will start collecting data and your Dashboard will show your visitor statistics shortly.

Done! 🚀

  • Optional: If the Scoby Analytics Plugin detects any installed caching plugins (e.g., WP Rocket), it will configure automatically and prompt you to clear your cache.

    Flush your cache if necessary
    A screenshot showing a message that a cache plugin was detected

    If you don't see any such message, you're good to go! Scoby Analytics will now start collecting anonymous data and your Dashboard will start showing statistics shortly.

  • As soon as we detect traffic, we will initiate your free 30-day trial, and you'll be automatically directed to your dashboard.

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