Getting Started
Generating the Salt
The Salt is essential for anonymizing data before it's sent to Scoby Analytics servers. It's a random value that's used in combination with actual data to produce a hash, ensuring that the raw data cannot be reverse-engineered from the hash alone.
Always keep your Salt confidential
It's essential to keep the Salt secure. The Salt, especially when used in cryptographic operations, should remain consistent to ensure accurate and consistent hashing. Changing the salt will result in different hash values even for the same input data.
Steps to generate a cryptographically secure salt
- Open your terminal or command line.
- Run the following command:
openssl rand -base64 32
- The command will output a long string of characters. This is your generated salt.
- Store this salt securely, as you'll need it for setting up the middleware and ensuring consistent hashing across requests.
Alternative steps to generate a secure salt
- Navigate to
- Generate one random string of your liking, a good value would be between 20 to 32 characters long. You can use this configuration if you like
- Store this salt securely, as you'll need it for setting up the middleware and ensuring consistent hashing across requests.